Morinda Citrifolia is a large shrub to medium tree varying from 3 metres to 12 metres high. It has oval shaped leaves of about 300 mm long by 150 mm wide. The white flowers occur in the leaf axils in clusters and occur mainly in summer and autumn. They are followed by succulent fruits which fuse into a large compound structure as they ripen. The fruits are edible but have a very pungent aroma when ripe, apparently to attract fruit bats which are dispersal agents for the seeds. The juice from the fruit is regarded as having a range of medicinal properties. Morinda's juice is high in vitamin C and there is a high demand for it as an alternative medicine for a host of illnesses.
Morinda Citrifolia USESMorinda Citrifolia (NONI) Juice can increase mental clarity and attention span, as well as allow greater physical performance levels. It also benefits the following systems of the body:
• Immune system: supports the immune system's natural ability to fight disease and infection.
• Circulatory system, tissues, and cells: Morinda Citrifolia (NONI) Juice is a superior antioxidant that helps
rid the body of harmful free radicals. It also increases energy levels.
• Digestive system: Morinda Citrifolia (NONI) Juice supports proper digestion and helps you absorb more
nutrients at the cellular level.
• Skin and Hair: Morinda Citrifolia (NONI) Juice contains components that are specifically important to the
skin and hair. It also helps carry beneficial substances to the skin.
• Most commonly used to improve mental alertness, and enhance learning and academic performance