Spice Oils /Oleoresins are the concentrated liquid form of the spice and reproduce the character of the respective spice and spice oil fully. They are obtained by the solvent extraction / Super critical fluid extraction / steam distillation etc.. of the spices.
India is one of the biggest producers of varieties of spices in the world. Indian food is famous/liked throughout the world because of its spices. Indian spices add distinctive aroma and flavor to the foods. Apart from good flavor lot of Indian spices have been used in Aryurved for their medicinal values like Turmeric is antibiotic, Tamarind is antioxidant, Blackpepper is anti depressant , Ginger is an important digestive remedy etc.
This is a list of our main Spice Oil/Oleoresins products only. If you have interest in any other Spices/Spice Oils/Oleoresins products please contact us.

Spice Oils / Oleoresins
Spice Oils / Oleoresins are the volatile components present in most spices and provide the characteristic aroma of the spices. Spice Oils are normally extracted through Steam Distillation method.
Spice Oils / Oleoresins have the major advantages such as Standardization, Consistency and Hygiene. The standard of quality expected in a Spice Oils / Oleoresins will differ depending on its end uses. Therefore, these oils are custom made to meet the exact requirement of the user.
Spice Oils / Oleoresins are mostly used in Flavors , Perfumes, Cosmetics and Personal Hygiene products like Toothpastes, Mouthwashes, Aerosols etc. besides be used in a variety of Pharmaceutical formulations as well.