The history of coffee dates back more than a thousand years, originally , Coffee beans were used as food . East African tribes would grind the coffee berries together , mixing the results into a paste with animal fat. Later , around 1000 AD , Ethiopians made a type of wine from coffee berries , fermenting the dried in water . Coffee also grew naturally on the Arabian Peninsula where it was first developed into a hot drink . Despite decades of research on coffee and caffeine , there are many misconceptions about the potential health risks associated with coffee , while many of the beneficial aspects have gone unnoticed .
The high antioxidant activity observed in research on coffee is believed to be mostly due to the phenolic acids . GREEN COFFEE EXTRACT contains a number of polyphenols called hydroxycinnamic acids , with the two most prominent being chlorogenic and caffeic acids . Caffeic acid is the most abundant phenolic compound in coffee .