Banaba ( Lagestroemia Speciosa ) is a medicinal plant that grows in India , Southeast Asia and the Philippiness . Traditional uses include brewing tea from the leaves as a treatment for diabetes and hyperglycemia ( elevated blood sugar). The hypoglycemic ( blood sugar lowering) effect of banaba extract is similar to that of insulin -which induces glucose transport from the blood into body cells .
Banaba Extract contains Corosolic Acid , a triterpinoid compound known to stimulate glucose transport across cell membranes . Due to this, Banaba Extract helps to regulate blood sugar and insulin levels in the blood . Several studies have shown that oral administration of Corosolic Acid significantly reduces blood glucose levels in Type II Diabetes , Similar to that of Insulin. Corosolic Acid has strong antioxidant properties that help to prevent damage by free radicals .Banaba Extract - ACTIONS
• Balances blood sugar
• Promotes healthy insulin levels
• Controls appetite and food craving (especially carbohydrate cravings).
• May promote weight loss